Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the world's most famous actors.

He can command more than DKK 150 million for a film role, he can choose his girlfriends from amongst the world's most beautiful models (and does), and he has received numerous awards.

But he has never won an Oscar.

Four times in the past he has unsuccessfully been nominated, but the role of trapper Hugh Glass in 'The Revenant' has finally changed things. Reviewers, film professionals and bookmakers all agree.

An Interview with Leonardo DiCaprio is therefore obvious. However, this isn't so easy. In fact, it is almost impossible to penetrate the actor's shield of agents, super models and better things to do.

Instead, we have to do the next best thing: Talk to those who have acted with him.

Leonardo DiCaprio was born in 1974 and began his career with roles in chewing gum commercials and television series like 'Lassie', 'Roseanne' and 'Growing Pains'.

His first major role was in the film 'This Boys Life', but it was the role of the mentally retarded Arnie in 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape' from 1993, which turned Leonardo DiCaprio into a new American young star and earned him his first Oscar nomination.

Darlene Cates played Leonardo DiCaprio's severely obese mother in the film:

"Leo was just a child. He always had time to place wagers with Johnny Depp. Once, Leo persuaded Johnny to eat a rotten pickled egg. At first he refused, but the prize was increasing all the time, and when Johnny offered him USD 25,000, Leo did it. He took a bite of egg and was really sick. So he ended up spitting it out."

"Leonardo understood that it was very difficult for me to play the role of his mother.
I laid myself bare. My character Bonnie and I didn't have particularly much in common, but we had our size and it was difficult for me that so many people would see me. He was always incredibly caring towards me. He never left the set without kissing me goodbye on the cheek and saying: "See you tomorrow, Momma."

At some point in the film, Momma dies, and it's Arnie who finds her. He begins to yell and scream to wake her. And I can tell you, it was loud. I thought I would fall down from the bed I was lying on. As soon as they called 'cut', I covered my ears and asked Leo not to shout directly into my ear. He was quite upset. 'It wasn't on purpose, I'll get the doctor?' He said. 'No,' I said. 'Just get an earplug for the next time we film the scene.' And then he ran off to find an earplug."

Leonardo DiCaprio wrote this letter to his "Movie Mom" on the back of a script during filming:

Four years after 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape', Leonardo DiCaprio acted in 'Titanic'. The film from 1997 won 11 Academy Awards and turned Leonardo DiCaprio into a star and firm poster fixture on girls' bedroom walls worldwide.

Jason Barry spent six months with Leonardo DiCaprio on the set of 'Titanic'. In the film, Jason Barry plays Leonardo DiCaprio's friend Tommy:

"We shot the film in a small Mexican town, where there really wasn't anything to do. There were a few restaurants where you pretty quickly grew tired of the food, and that was it. Instead, we stayed at the hotel and played computer games together. I've never played as many computer games as I did with Leo in those six months. We played all the most popular games from 1996."

"Back then, he could easily walk around without being recognized. There was never anyone who spotted him or followed him in town. A few times some girls would appear up at the hotel, but not often. On the other hand, Tobey Maguire and other friends would often came to visit."

"Leo had no idea it would become as big as it ended up being. But how could he? Who could have predicted that roughly half of the world would fall in love with the film's lead actor?"

After 'Titanic' millions of teenage girls around the world suffered from "Leomania". The actor was on the cover of gossip magazines and his salary took a tremendous leap.

Leonardo DiCaprio was one of the world's most sought after actors, when in 2000 he played a young American backpacker in search of a legendary secret society in 'The Beach'.

Norwegian Lars Arentz-Hansen played the role of Bugs in 'The Beach' and spent six months filming:

"What made most of an impression was all the paparazzi photographers who lay in the water several hundred meters from the beach, where we worked. That and journalists from tabloid newspapers who tried to be friends with all of us actors just to get some quotes about Leonardo. It was constant. They sneaked onto the film set and waited for him in the parking lots. The young women were also there with their 'The Beach' books hoping to get a glimpse of him."

"We didn't see much of him. While the rest of us actors stayed in five-star hotels, he lived by himself in grounds with six houses and several swimming pools. Leonardo mainly kept himself to himself and had his friends and his girlfriend flown in, so he could be together with them."

"We were shooting a scene where Leonardo and my character were fighting. The scene took several days to film, but it ended up being cut from the film. Actually there were a lot of violent scenes and scenes of sex, which was not included in the film. It was all deleted because Leonardo's fans were so young. It was important for the film company, that the film was not banned for young people between 13 and 17. Half of all my scenes in the film went up in smoke on account of that.

"While we shot our scenes together, Leonardo and I chatted a little, but actually not very much. That is the way it is when you work on a Hollywood project. There is a hierarchy. In Scandinavia we behave in the film industry as if everyone is equal, but that's just not the way it is in American films."

"Leonardo was well aware that people always hoped to get something out of being with him. We were 30 actors, and all would of course like to be friends with him, because they hoped that there would be something in it for them."

Four times previously Leonardo DiCaprio was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor and Supporting Actor. Each time he was beaten by other great actors:

12 years after 'The Beach', Leonardo DiCaprio turned down roles as a first love, and teenage girls have pulled posters of him down. With roles in 'Blood Diamond', 'The Departed' and 'Revolutionary Road', he has grown from child star and teen idol into a character actor.

In 'The Wolf of Wall Street' 2013 he stars in the true story of stock market speculator, Jordan Belfort and his life with drugs, hookers, fortunes and - eventually - prison.

Stephanie Kurtzuba played the role of the female market speculator Kimmie Beltzer and worked for four months on 'The Wolf of Wall Street':

"Everyone tried to behave normally towards him, but it was difficult. We talked too much or were too eager - it felt like when you were trying to make a good impression back in the eighth grade."

"The first day on set, I was not introduced to Leo, and I was a bit nervous. I stood with a group of actors and in the scene Leo was to walk past us. While he was walking towards us, someone called "cut" and he turned to me and said "Hi! Aren't you Stephanie? " I thought it was very nice and sweet of him, as he didn't need to do it."

"Every time Leo finished a scene, he went to a monitor to view the footage so that he could do better in the next attempt. He was incredibly dedicated and was one of the most well-prepared actors I've ever seen. He knew every single word of all his monologues, which often took up three pages of text."

Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar chances may have never been better than this year, where he is nominated for his role in the film 'The Revenant', which was recorded under difficult conditions. Leonardo DiCaprio has even said that it is the toughest role he ever had.

The film leads this year's Oscar Race with 12 nominations - including Best Actor, Best Film, Best Director and Best Supporting Actor.

Melaw Nakehk'o played the role of the kidnapped chief's daughter Pawaqa in 'The Revenant' and spent six months working on the film:

"When I met Leonardo DiCaprio for the first time, I was sitting by myself nursing my son on a hill. I was sitting in the sunshine with my breast bared when he came walking up the hill. I have been a fan of Leonardo since I saw 'Romeo and Juliet', so it felt rather strange."

"I did not see him alone again. He has three assistants, a personal chef, his own hairstylist and private make-up artist. He has a lot of people around constantly."

"He seemed nice, although we never sat together just the two of us talking. He always knew people's names - and it makes you happy that he can do that when you consider how many people he is constantly meeting. He always remembered my name and always asked about my son. It was very sweet of him."

"The last time I saw him was at the world premiere of 'The Revenant' in L.A. He saw me and motioned for me to come to him. "Melaw, we don't have a photo of us together, that's something we must have" he told me. So we had a photo taken, and I just thought: "Oh God, did everyone see that? Leonardo waved me over to him."

23 years, eight model girlfriends and zero Oscars later, Leonardo DiCaprio is back where he started with 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape'.

As an Oscar Nominated actor.

Back then, in 1993, no one had any particular thoughts about Leonardo and the statuette. Not so any more. Everyone is on Team Leonardo.

On social media he will be cheered along under the hashtag #giveleoanoscar, and there is a computer game where the player must help Leonardo DiCaprio to win the cursed statuette.

Even a member of the Oscar Academy has publicly said that he is voting for the "amazing" Leonardo DiCaprio, even if it's a serious breach of Academy rules.

As to whether Leonardo DiCaprio actually wins an Oscar statuette will be decided on Sunday night Danish time.


Text: Annegerd Lerche Kristiansen

Graphics: Ninni Munch Pettersson

Webdok editor: Hans Christian Kromann

Images and video from the following movies:

'What's Eating Gilbert Grape', Scanbox.

'Titanic', 'The Beach' og 'The Revenant', 20th Century Fox.

'The Wolf of Wall Street', Universal.

Images en graphic: Getty Images.

Published 2/26 2016.