

Rehearsal for the royal wedding
20. april 2004 11:48

During Easter, horses and riders got a taste of what it will be like to escort the couple to Fredensborg Castle.
Foto: Keld Navntoft, © Scanpix

There will be a lot of fuss and noise when the Crown Prince couple will be driving coach through the streets.

During Easter, horses and riders got a taste of what it will be like to escort the couple to Fredensborg Castle. This is where the couple will have the wedding dinner.

60 horses and sport riders helped to ensure a successful wedding rehearsal in the streets of Fredensborg.

- Fortunately a lot of people had come to see the rehearsal, so the horses and their riders had a feeling of the stress the will experience during the wedding, says the courts stable master, major Michael Mentz.

Rehearsal in Copenhagen
For the ride from Slotsgade to Fredensborg Castle the court has an open Landaur ready which is to be driven in a carriage and four and two postilions.

It is not before the 13th of May, the day before the wedding, that the rehearsal will take place in Copenhagen.

- It will be with partly our own horses and riders from the royal stables, partly from the hussar regiment horse squadron. They are more used to tasks of this kind, with lots of fuss and many people alongside the route, says the stable master.

Six white horses
It will take place in the same coach of the brand Barouche, which was used for Queen Margrethe’s and Prince Henrik’s wedding in 1967.

It is a coach with six horses where the riders riding the horses also drive the coach. For the transport in Copenhagen the horses used will be white and dapple-grey klaudrubers, while the horses which will be used in Fredensborg are brown.

It is not possible to use the samme horses for the two tasks, due to the time factor, says the major.
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