

A man of his time
19. april 2004 08:19
crown prince Frederik
Crown prince Frederik is widely respected
Foto: Scanpix,  © Scanpix
By Helle Bygum, royal reporter

When asking the Danes what they think of crown prince Frederik, it is striking that he compels respect, regardless of the age of the person asked. Not because he is royal, but because of the person he is. The man he has developed into.

Crown prince Frederik
1968: The crown prince is born on May 26th at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen.
1974: The crown prince starts school. The first three years at Amalienborg Castle. From 3rd grade at Krebs School in Copenhagen.
1982: Frederik enters the boarding school Ecole des Roches in Normandy, France.
1983: Frederik starts at the Øregaard grammar school. In 1986 he gets his A-levels. Frederik is called up for military service at the Royal Life Guards.
1987: Frederik is apprenticed as wine farmer in California.
1990-1991: Studying political science at the University of Aarhus.
1992-1993: Political science at the University of Harvard.
1994: Employment at the UN General Assembly in New York.
1995: Frederik finishes with an MA degree in political science. Completes the frogman corps’ basic education followed by ordinary service in the Navy.
1998: One year post as 1st embassy secretary at the Danish embassy in Paris.
2000: Frederik sets out on the Sirius expedition 2500 km in north and northeastern Greenland. Completes flying course as part of the education for military pilot.
2001: Begins management training at the Defence Academy.

Among peers of both sexes he is considered tough. He is in harmony with his time, lives up to today’s requirements to be well educated, in physical top shape and ready to test his physical and mental powers.

No more shyness and bashfulness
Senior citizens do not use the word tough, but nod appreciatively to a young man who shows no shyness and today combines a boyish charm with determination and the maturity that lies in accepting his future role with its special requirements and duties.

The crown prince has found his very own style: straightforward, attentive, listening but not in a backslapping way.

The style of a modern manager – with his own opinions about what he wants and what he does not want. And with a suitable distance when required by ceremony or the situation.

Different from his friends
It has not been easy, and how could it have been for a boy who – as all other children – wants to be as his friends. But who already as a little child instinctively has felt that he - and his brother - were not.

Neither the ordinary schooling in Krebs School nor the years in grammar school at Øregaard, could eliminate the special status as royal, as crown prince, which even in the early years required public appearances, flawless behaviour – and probably therefore meant a more strict upbringing at home than the friends had.

If it is difficult to be a teenager it must be next to impossible to be a royal teenager.

A highly educated man
However, the crown prince has passed the habituation and education for the future well, which he has had to go through. As a graduate with an MA degree in political science from the University of Aarhus he is the first person with a degree in the royal family.

With studies in Harvard, employment in UN in New York and at the Danish Embassy in Paris, he is better educated and has more knowledge about international politics than any sovereign before him.

At the same time, he is highly educated within the military, he navigates ships, has the skills of flying, and he has also shown his strong mentality by completing the very tough frogman education, which is just as tough as another test of manhood - the sleigh expedition with Sirius 2000 in the Northern Greenland’s coldness and darkness.

Today he says that he knows himself mentally. His inner ego says: You can do it. That is probably the secret behind the fact that today we have a mature young man as crown prince.

A man in tune with himself and his time.
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