Satellitbilleder viser omfattende skader på syriske kulturskatte

Fire år efter den syriske borgerkrig begyndte, er en stor del af landets kulturskatte fuldstændig smadrede.

I maj 2014 sprængte medlemmer af Islamisk Stat en shi'itisk moske og hellige mindesmærke i luften i byen Raqqa. (Foto: © US Department of State- Humanitarian Information Unit- NextView License (DigitalGlobe)- UNITAR-UNOSAT.)

Den syriske borgerkrig kan også tydeligt ses fra luften. Fire år efter, at krigen begyndte, er store dele af landet hærgede.

Næsten halvdelen af befolkningen er flygtet, og mange af de resterende lever i dyb fattigdom. Over 200.000 har mistet livet.

Men også på Syriens mange uvurderlige kulturgenstande har krigen sat sit tydelige præg.

FN's institut for uddannelse og forskning analyserer løbende satellitbilleder for at følge med i situationen på landjorden. De har samlet billeder af en række af Syriens ødelagte kulturskatte herunder.

De øverste satellitbilleder er fra 2011, nedenunder er det samme sted fotograferet i 2014.


I den ekstremistiske gruppe Islamisk Stats hovedsæde, Raqqa, i Syrien sprængte de i maj sidste år den shi'itiske Uwais al-Qarni moske i luften. Stedet var også en helligdom for to martyrer, der døde i slaget ved Siffin i 657.

All three tombs on the outside of the shrine, their minarets and a section of the linking arcaded pricinct have been destroyed. Details can be found in Raqqa section of UNOSAT Syria Cultural Heritage Sites Report (© US Department of State- Humanitarian Information Unit- NextView License (DigitalGlobe)- UNITAR-UNOSAT.)
All three tombs on the outside of the shrine, their minarets and a section of the linking arcaded pricinct have been destroyed. Details can be found in Raqqa section of UNOSAT Syria Cultural Heritage Sites Report (© US Department of State- Humanitarian Information Unit- NextView License (DigitalGlobe)- UNITAR-UNOSAT.)



Også ruinbyen Palmyra ligger på FN's liste over verdensarv. Her er der blandt andet opført en befæstet vej tværs over byens gamle gravkompleks. Palmyra ligger 215 kilometer nordøst for Syriens hovedstad Damaskus.

A road has been constructured that runs through the necropolis. This road has affected multiple tombs in the necropololis. Archeological soils from along side the road have been used to create a dirt barriers on both sides of the new road. Several berms have also been constructed throughout the necropolis and can be seen in the lower left and upper right side of the image. There is also a large berm which has been constructed in the north of the image. Details can be found in Palmyra section of UNOSAT Syria Cultural Heritage Sites Report (© US Department of State- Humanitarian Information Unit- NextView License (DigitalGlobe)- UNITAR-UNOSAT.)
A road has been constructured that runs through the necropolis. This road has affected multiple tombs in the necropololis. Archeological soils from along side the road have been used to create a dirt barriers on both sides of the new road. Several berms have also been constructed throughout the necropolis and can be seen in the lower left and upper right side of the image. There is also a large berm which has been constructed in the north of the image. Details can be found in Palmyra section of UNOSAT Syria Cultural Heritage Sites Report (© US Department of State- Humanitarian Information Unit- NextView License (DigitalGlobe)- UNITAR-UNOSAT.)



I nederste, højre hjørne af billedet ses den store moske i Aleppo, Umayyad moskeen, der er på FN's liste over verdensarv. I venstre hjørne af billedet ses byens gamle citadel – et gammelt fæstningsværk.

Ifølge den seneste befolkningstælling fra 2004 havde byen dengang over to millioner indbyggere. I dag er der – ifølge The Guardian – omkring 40.000 tilbage.

Multiple historical sites destroyed as seen in the upper left section of the image, such as the Carlton hotel, where craters are present. Other damaged locations include the Great Umayd Mosque in the lower right corner of the image. Minaret of the Great Mosque has been destroyed, in addtion to severe damages to the wall and courtyard. Details can be found in Aleppo section of UNOSAT Syria Cultural Heritage Sites Report (© US Department of State- Humanitarian Information Unit- NextView License (DigitalGlobe)- UNITAR-UNOSAT.)
Multiple historical sites destroyed as seen in the upper left section of the image, such as the Carlton hotel, where craters are present. Other damaged locations include the Great Umayd Mosque in the lower right corner of the image. Minaret of the Great Mosque has been destroyed, in addtion to severe damages to the wall and courtyard. Details can be found in Aleppo section of UNOSAT Syria Cultural Heritage Sites Report (© US Department of State- Humanitarian Information Unit- NextView License (DigitalGlobe)- UNITAR-UNOSAT.)


Dura Europos

Dura Europos er ruinerne af en befæstet by ved Eufrat-floden i det sydøstlige Syrien. Den er blevet plyndret igennem de seneste fire år og stedet er i dag uigenkendeligt. Byen blev grundlagt cirka år 300 før hvor tidsregning, og har været stort set ubeboet siden det persiske dynasti sasanidernes ødelagde den i år 256.

Signs of severe looting can be seen within the walls of Dura Europos, most of the ruins have become unrecognizable from the looting activity. Addtional looting holes are visible in the northern section of the image outside the walls of Dura Europs. Details can be found in Dura Europos section of UNOSAT Syria Cultural Heritage Sites Report (© US Department of State- Humanitarian Information Unit- NextView License (DigitalGlobe)- UNITAR-UNOSAT.)
Signs of severe looting can be seen within the walls of Dura Europos, most of the ruins have become unrecognizable from the looting activity. Addtional looting holes are visible in the northern section of the image outside the walls of Dura Europs. Details can be found in Dura Europos section of UNOSAT Syria Cultural Heritage Sites Report (© US Department of State- Humanitarian Information Unit- NextView License (DigitalGlobe)- UNITAR-UNOSAT.)

Alle fotos er fra: US Department of State, Humanitarian Information Unit, NextView License (DigitalGlobe), UNITAR-UNOSAT.